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Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Crochet anyone??

I am joining in on the Daisy Afghan charity ! Thankyou Pixie! I finally went and looked at the pattern ,... great!!! I would love to get involved, so I signed up.... I like to crochet! I especially loved the neutral afhgan... and think I will make one like it for our house sometime! It is cooler outside, and that is when i crochet best! Thankyou Pixie! Anyone interested in the link :


Pixie Brearley said...

I am so glad you found it. I've not been able to get to the blog with the plague running through my house, but finally got here. :)

I LOVE to crochet, it's my other obsession. LOL


Solitary Raven said...

Let me guess
the plague where everyone is on the computer - all the time lol
I know it
and now that I have online classes (starting Mon.) this should be exciting...
if is is a different plague you were referring to - I am sorry... I am somewhat blonde... and it does run in my genes

Pixie Brearley said...

LOL, sorry we do medieval recreation in my house so any sickness that runs through the entire family leaving us all feeling like blubering mounds of mush is the plague. ;)

Don't be sorry... I've heard of your version of the plague too! LOL

Solitary Raven said...

you make me laugh
there have been those kinds of plagues in my family as well... though it was years back....
most of us died out ... My imagination would get the best of me....
lol laura

Anonymous said...

Nice blog. Thats all.

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