Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Monday, December 8, 2008

On the way to Colleen....

Hi Laura, Colleen and Pixie - My DH mailed Pixie's Three Ladies (is that what it is called?) to Colleen today - it took an accidental ride to my house with Laura's Dragon Lottery gift.... all set and taken care of now. It is only traveling from NH to NY, so Colleen shall receive it soon ;-) Carol


Solitary Raven said...

The 3 Ladies are shown at the very bottom of this row on the blog ... if you scroll down you will see the Garden Fairy, and the Fairy Queen. The 3rd one is the one you had, which is the Dark Sorceress. Each of the 6 ladies stitching in the stitchalong chose a pattern, and turns out we made an even 2 per lady. :) SO we pass the ladies along till we receive our own piece. At that time there will be the last section, and backstitching. They are beautiful in person :)

drea_dear said...

Thanks for being involved in the exchange, Carol! LOL Hope Colleen checks in soon. I'm still waiting for my next round to arrive (gentle reminder, hint-hint)

Quote of the Day

The Dark Sorceress

The Garden Fairy

The Fairy Queene

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